Lynn Gillespie

Marjory Wildcraft and Lynn Gillespie tour Lynn's tomato greenhouse.

Join us for a Q&A with scientist Lynn Gillespie on Arctic Botany

High Performance Garden Mulch

Lynn Gillespie - appearance

Ask Gardener Lynn # 37 Is it Safe to Spray Neem Oil on Fruit Blossoms

Ask Gardener Lynn: 'How do I know if last year's seeds are still good?'

Lynn Gillespie’s 2018 Rav4 by Salee Starbuck

booster shot for 7th grade today!!

The High Performance Garden Show

Marjory and Lynn tour another one of Lynns very unique greenhouses.

Ask Gardener Lynn #41 When Do I Harvest Winter Squash?

Tour of The Little Greenhouse

Ask Gardener Lynn 'please talk about crop rotation'

Ask Gardener Lynn 'Can you please explain the back of a seed packet with a further step?'

Ask Gardener Lynn 'How do I know when my carrots and beets are ready to be harvested?'

Ask Gardener Lynn #Learn35 Are my seeds viable?

Ask Gardener Lynn 'Do I need to fertilize seedlings before they go into the garden?'

Ask Gardener Lynn 'What should I plant around my pepper plants?'

Ask Gardener Lynn # 27 Where to Find Compost

Ask Gardener Lynn: 'What is the best variety of cucumber to grow for fresh eating?'

Ask Gardener Lynn 'I'll be away for the summer, what should I do with my high tunnel?'



Ask Gardener Lynn #29 4 Essential Ingredients for Your Garden's Success